The Keys to Incredible Relationships - Livestream

The Keys to Incredible Relationships Square.png

"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"

This year has been especially strange and stressful and that can put a lot of pressure on relationships. Most of the world has also experienced more time with the ones they love due to quarantine and sheltering in place protocols. Has this brought up any relationship issues for you?

Carrie and I had an in-depth conversation about this in the video below. We not only talked about what may be happening because of this pandemic, but also what happens when someone in a relationship seems to outgrow the other.

So how can we grow our own sense of autonomy and worth while loving the people we love? And how can we enhance our relationships even if they're strained? Let’s find out!

After we completed the livestream, I drew on the prompt we suggested, “How can I improve my relationship with myself?”


The big takeaways for me in this drawing, which is generally great advice for any one, is to make joy my central theme and to be fluid with my actions and plans. There is a lot of my alignment color and since all of the lines are undulating and snake-like, it feels like “go with the flow” and focus on how I want to feel.

These are already practices that I live by, so adding more focus to them is what is going to make the difference.

You can post your drawing in our Facebook group here:

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