"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"
Hello again. Welcome back again. My name is Dina, I'm happy to see you. Today I'm asking about dreams. Meaning, the kind of dreams when you’re dreaming for the future. Because I know sometimes in my life I have felt like I work and work or study and learn and practice for the dreams to happen. Sometimes it seems like I'm always looking into the future. If that happens, what do you do?
I asked about, what should I do if I feel like my dreams are too slow to arrive? For me, sometimes I want my dreams to just suddenly appear right now. Maybe that's a question that helped me and, I don't know about you, but maybe you're the same and maybe it can help you too. I drew about that right here.
In the picture, the black, that black swirl along the bottom and then across the top and the bottom is black. That kind of brackets it in. It's like, "That's what it's all about." It's really a quiet meditation color, the whole thing happens inside of that meditation.
On the left, there's green. That's about new growth. First I should say I'm thinking that it means that when you're stressed or you're feeling all excited, waiting for the future, thinking about that dream out there. Now, bracketed in there is that meditation first. Then in that meditation time, in that black meditation bracket on the left there, there's new growth.
At that time it happens it's natural for it to grow. It's all about growth, but it means that it's new, but now it's true that when I'm waiting for a dream to happen I can feel like I really don't want to grow but it doesn't really mean that I'm waiting for it so I can grow. It just means that within that quiet meditation there will naturally be growth. But it's not only about that, but that is also a thing that happens.
Then there's the yellow, it's blooming up out of the middle. That means just real happiness. It's happening right now. That dream is happening now. It's not just about the future. It means that within that it's growing out of that yellow joy, that joy. Then the red that's growing up there, it's altogether there, it's a passion that that dream is passionate. Now, right now, all of it is now.
If I'm meditating quiet, right now, I can see, I really notice the things that are happening exactly now. Not in the future, not far away. I don't need to wait but I do need to pay attention. If I'm not paying attention I miss it and I think it's okay all out there. I don't notice all of it that is really happening right now, because that red, that yellow growing up, it means it's enough. I am satisfied.
That dream is here a lot and there both. I can continue to look out there and I can think of how fun it will be but I also really notice, I need to look here close to myself and know that it's here, I don't need to wait for the future. So what do I do? Because my question was what do I do if I'm feeling it's not showing up, my dream is slow, and it's way out there? What do I do? Nothing. How's that for a really good answer? What to do? Nothing, only meditate so I can see it is here. I can see it's with me right now. That's all.
How's that for an easy answer? Maybe it's not really an easy answer but it's not really complicated. It's easy after you notice. I hope that was helpful to you. Please, come back again for another question. Maybe your questions are going to be similar to mine. If you learn this technique then your answers will be exactly for you. I hope that happens because you are awesome.
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Thank you again for joining me and I hope to see you next time for a new question. Love you. Bye-bye