How To Dream Big?

How to Dream Big.jpg

"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"

Hello, again. Welcome back. I'm happy to see you. My name is Dina and today I did a drawing, an intuitive art drawing and I don't understand the answer, not yet, but the question is how do I dream big. The reason why I asked that, is because it's easy to just accept, it's just normal things or even comfortable things and not pay attention. Sometimes it's easy for uncomfortable things, just to accept it because- to just not paying enough attention and not thinking about other things that you can do, not remembering the big dream. I ask the question and I think this drawing is interesting because remember, you draw with your eyes closed.

Draw, draw, draw, draw and this happened and I don't understand it yet. Let's discuss it and try to understand it. The first thing I notice is that blue, that light blue, that's about myself by my spirituality. Being a spiritual person, that's a really important color in this drawing. I think I understand that I can't have a big dream if I ignore spirituality if spirituality is the most important. I notice that black square part. Okay, that black square part that seems like it's about really, really- It's a really quiet color.

It can mean like sitting meditation and it can also mean if I'm staying alone, really alone because if I allow for myself to just listen to myself, really quietly, it doesn't matter if it's really sitting. A sitting meditation, or if I'm walking in the forest. It doesn't matter how but if I'm quiet, I can understand myself. Then remember my spirituality, and then I think it's easy to start to dream big. Then notice that little line, the black is up here and the brown is below it, a little squiggle of brown.

Brown means grounding and so that just continues along with that quiet. Maybe it does mean I actually need to walk, take walks by myself in the woods and it's a really good way for me to get grounded. Then also, brown there's that little bit in the corner. I think that just means to remember to continue to do that practice. Then orange around the outsides there. Orange, that color is about comfort so that's really interesting because it means that I don't always need to chase excitement.

It's not about chasing excitement, it's about connecting with myself and then getting grounded, and then following that spirituality, then that'll be a comfortable thing. That's cool because it means my big dreams are in that comfortable place. It's interesting. It seems like it's really important that I connect with my spirituality and that comfort, it's always important to remember the question.

My question was about how to dream big, so I'm really thinking my big dreams are from finding that comfort, finding that quiet place, that comfort place, and not about trying to find excitement. It's okay if I get excited about things, sure, but first quiet and comfort. If I want to get excited then I can and I will and I'll know that but because I stayed in that quiet uncomfortable place for long enough, for however long it takes, then I'll be able to know and understand what my dreams are.

I think that it's really good for me to remember I need to do this repeatedly, find that same place again, not just one time, and then quit. I need to do it again and again and then I'll always know what my big dreams are. Cool, I love it. I hope that you enjoyed that question and I hope that you join me again the next time for a new question. You're the best. I love you, bye