General Advice on How to Write My Book

General Advice on How to Write My Book.jpg

"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"

Hello again, my name is Dina. I'm happy to see you again. Today I have a question about my new book because I finished all the studying, and the notes, and gathering everything together, so really all that prep work is finished, and now I'm really ready to start the actual writing. I then have an exact question about that, like how do I do this? Or how do I do that? Nothing like that. When I start a new project, I like to know about general advice, how to write my new book. Book. Not a giant book, that's not happening.

I drew this drawing. It's interesting because right there in the middle, the blue that makes that shape in the middle, it's easy because it's just like how I sign my art when I finish my art. It's not exactly, but that doesn't matter.

It feels like that's really the most important thing here. It's telling me that the book really needs me, about me. It's like I'm not trying to say something for everyone. It's not about all the people, it's about my voice, my voice and what I want to say. I like that because when I use my own voice, other people can hear that, they can understand, it can help them, but if I try to say something for every single person, it's just simply not going to work. I don't need to worry about any of that, only about what I want to say. That's good. Good start.

This drawing, for me, needs both to be read from left to right and bottom to top when I look at it. Okay, I know I started in the middle, but now left to right, and bottom to top. The bottom, purple, that makes this swirly shape. Purple means abundance, so sometimes it was literally about money, but I didn't ask about money, I asked about advice, general advice.

It started with that advice on the bottom, that swirly shape, so I think that really is going to mean that it's important, it's necessary to bring my abundance, myself to the project. Bring all of me. My thoughts, my heart, my passion, all of that, bring that when I write each day. Each day when I go out to write, fill myself up with my passion, strength, my heart, bring that, my abundance, myself. That's how I will bring my voice.

I notice there's that gray that swirls around like that. Gray is holding it in. Gray means quiet, so I think that just means it's easy. It just means I need quiet for writing. I am saying these two different ways of literally writing, typewriting because I don't literally handwrite the whole thing, I typically type it out, it doesn't really matter, but that's why I'm using both signs. Sorry if that's not clear.

Orange up on the top, and that tannish color across the top, orange, and tan, both colors mean comfort. Comfortable area, the whole area. I need it, and I really need to go have a quiet area that is also comfortable. That always means I need to clean it, the area, before I start to write, then I can feel ready. I don't know why, but maybe it's because I don't clean it till when I'm writing, only before and after. I don't know.

I need a comfortable area, I need a quiet, really quiet enclosed space, and then I move to really be able to use my true voice. Now I don't know if you can see, because it's really little down there at the bottom corner, there's a teensy bit of red, that's about my passion. My passion. Sorry for saying that dirty. I did not mean it like that. Again, it's more about my true voice, what I really need to say. That's good.

I like that this drawing is not about structure, story structure, or something like that. It's about me, what I need to say. That's my general advice about writing my new book. I like that it's really fun to draw before starting a new project. I think that you would like it as well if you start something new, a new project.

That is all for today. I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope to see you again next time for a new question. See you next time. Whoop-whoop. Love you. I love you. Bye