Family Obligations vs. Personal Alignment | Intuitive Art Decoding
"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"
Hey guys, it's Carrie Roldan with the Intuitive Art channel. Today I want to share a drawing with you that I did for my friend for instant clarity. She was really feeling conflicted about some feelings she had going on, with regard to feeling obligated to help a family member, who also wanted to stay in alignment with her truth and all the goals that she has with her life and business. She was feeling really disrupted and interrupted by this family member's constant need for-- I shouldn't say constant need, that's not the right thing. It's just neediness. The family member was needing care and she was conflicted about just her feelings around that.
Wanting to be the kind of person who drops everything and takes care of their family member. Also, resenting the fact that she had to drop everything or that she was dropping the ball a lot in the things that she had going on in her business. She was just trying-- expressing her frustration like that and trying to find a way through. Trying to find a way to stay in alignment and to be true to herself, to be the kind of person that she wants to be. To show up for her family member, and also feel good inside herself. I didn't know what the question was. What I should ask so I just wrote, what's the best advice for her?
What's the best advice for her right now? This was the answer. What I love about doing intuitive art for other people, especially like with this person, she just sort of said, this is what I'm feeling. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but it doesn't matter. I don't have to know. This helped her get clarity to know exactly what she needed to do. All I did was say, "Hey," while we were in a group call. She was talking to somebody else. I said, "While you were talking to somebody else, I did a drop for you, do you want to know what it says?" She said yes.
I shared this with her. Red is my color for inspired action. To me, red feels like running hard when you're in really great shape. It feels like passion and fervor. I learned that it means inspired action because red again if you don't take action on passion and not fervor, it leads to feelings of anxiety. I just explained that to her, just like that. I didn't say anymore. Orange for me is alignment and fully embodied self. This particular orange is a really really deep orange. That just means like, deeply aligned, rooted in your fully embodied self. This green color. This is new- it could be like a new project or a new way of showing up but it's divinely guided newness. Approaching something in a new way, that's coming from divine guidance.
Then this last year color right here is, this is a muddy color for openness. What that means is you're blocking being open, right? You're blocking, allowing that divine guidance in. What I said for her here is just, "This is a reminder to be more and more open." That's all I said, just that. She felt instant relief and said, "Thank you. I know exactly what to do." The reason I'm sharing this with you is that I don't even know exactly what this means to do, but it doesn't matter. I don't have to. She saw this drawing. She heard my brief color explanations and said, "Oh my gosh, that makes so much sense. Thank you." She felt relief and she knew exactly what to do.
That is the power of intuitive art and being a certified intuitive artist. If you've never done intuitive art before and you want to do it for the first time, learn how to use this method for yourself. You can take a beginner class at If you like what I just said, and you're like, Hey, I wish I could do that for people too. Then you're going to want to go to and check out, "Becoming a Certified Intuitive Artist." All right that is it for today, I hope you guys are having a wonderful week and I will see you in the next video.