What Message Do My Spirit Guides Have For Me?
"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"
Hello, again. I'm happy to see you again. My name is Dina. I have another drawing for you.
Today, I asked a question about my spirit guides because it seems like a lot of times lately I've been asking about work, money. That's really good, it's true but I noticed and I thought, maybe it's time for me to ask a more spiritual question.
My question is about what message my spirit guides have for me. I like the answer and I have the drawing right here. For me, in real life, it's actually right there. You'll notice that it moves upright like it's growing.
I like that because right now, it's spring out there, but it's cold. It's cold spring right now, cold spring morning. That's why I'm in here drawing, instead of out there. Anyway, the picture-- it feels like spring because it's like it's growing. Now, the orange means, that part that's growing up there in the middle, it's like a comfort. I forgot the word. It's about comfort. It looks like the most important part of this drawing is the comfort. It's a good comfort. We live in a time that's pretty stressful. It's easy to feel stress but life can be good.
It's okay if you're feeling good if you're feeling comfortable. I have a lot of reasons why I can feel comfortable, like this room right here, I have a place where I can do art, and read or whatever. I can do what I want and I can go out. Out there, most days, I can go out there. I like the sunshine. I have a lot of reasons why I can feel comfortable. Brown, there's some brown growing through that part it. It goes zigzagged. It's interesting because the comfort goes this way. Brown means grounding and also it's about my wisdom.
It's interesting that the orange goes this way and the brown goes this way like they need to be together. They're connected a lot. That means I'm going to really need to use my wisdom so that I can be grounded. Then I can also feel the comfort growing up out of that. Also, there's that little blue swatch and there's some gray. Blue is about spirit, so it makes sense, it's connected with my spirit guides and that's really what this question is about. I feel like spirit guides are with me, helping me.
The gray really means quiet, so all of this really feels like it's pretty quiet, not a lot of action. Not exactly, they're not active colors but it feels like there's a lot of movement in the way that the colors spring up. If I connect with my spirit and I use wisdom to become grounded, it's going to feel comfortable. It's easy, it's not hard. Then I think that it means that it's going to be natural that growth comes from that. That'll just make things happen and there's where the action is, but I don't have to force it, I don't have to worry about it, I don't have to stress about it.
No, I can just always just allow it to happen. I like that. It seems easy. I love easy answers.
I hope that this was interesting to you as well because you can find answers like this as well. I would really like to see what you're drawing if it's the same kind of thing. I want to know your answers as well, so if you want to share. Please subscribe and join us for more. Thank you again for joining me and I love you, and I'll see you-- What? No, I don't know what that sign was. Next time. I don't know what was happening there.