What Is The Easiest Way To Make More Money?
"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"
Hello again. I'm happy to see you, and I'm happy to be here again because I have a new question. I did this drawing, but I don't know what it means yet because, well, I just need to start reading it. I thought I would share it with you as I'm trying to understand it.
I asked about how to easily make more money. In English, you say, "What's the easiest way to make more money?" In sign, it's more right if it's, how to easily-- Well, I'm thinking the best way to say it, how to easily allow money in, and I like both.
I did this drawing. If you know about intuitive drawing, you know that you usually draw with your eyes shut. There's something new that happened here this time. I was drawing, with my eyes closed, and I'm thinking about the question, yes, but also, I've got to tell you. Okay, so this ear, it's pretty well closed, [laughs] it doesn't work too well, but this ear, yes, so-so.
The window was open, and this ear, I'm hearing birds over here, and this ear, I'm hearing nothing. I'm drawing and drawing, and I'm noticing the birds out of this ear, and I'm starting to think a little bit about them because it feels like green, it feels like life. This ear feels like quiet. I'm thinking of both when I'm drawing, and I'm thinking, "Where will that green show up in this drawing?" I'm feeling like, "Okay, I'm finished." Then I read the drawing, and I noticed-- Well, where is it? This little guy is still there. I just used that, and you'll see it in this drawing. That's why it's there because it just seemed like something.
When I'm answering my question, I love that this looks like nature, feels like something like the ocean. Some of it feels like a sunrise together. That's okay. That's fine. For me, that bottom part there, that's the part that feels like a sunrise, and the red and the pink, both are about my heart, my feelings, my passion, my strong feelings. Then when you move up to the yellow, it's about just pure wonderful happiness. Brown, together-- Okay, brown, it's like history and grounding.
With the yellow, it does mean happiness, like the feelings are all there together. It's about things that I like and I enjoy that I feel really good about, I'm excited about, that are-- They're together, they start there on the bottom. If something's boring, I just really need to ignore that. I don't need that. It's not going to help me at all. I need to get more money.
Then there's that little tiny smidge of green. Green is about new growth, so there is going to be some growth, but not like a huge amount. I don't need to learn new things or study, practice something new, none of that. It's only that it'll be natural that a little new growth comes out of that, but when I move to the top, the brown looks like the ocean.
There's some green in there, there's a little bit of pink. Again, it is going to be more about passion, more about feeling things that I just love with a lot-- Okay, so yes new growth, but a lot of moving along with that brown color. It's all grounded. When I say history, it's things that I've learned before and practiced in the past, skills that I have accomplished before, and now it's easy for me, and grounding. I've got it. All of that-- I always need to just move along with-- When I'm saying how to get more money and easily, it doesn't exactly mean that I don't have to try, but it's more like just moving along with things that I already know, that I already know. I just only need to go with the flow.
For me, it means art and writing. I like to write books, and sometimes teaching. I like to lead people with those same things. A better way to express it, it's better if I accept the ease with the grounding that I have learned in the past, and just move with, easily moving with that flow, then it'll be easy to have more money. For me, it's just really always important to remember that it's not about new things. I don't need to try and try something new. Always remember myself, my skills, and my passions, and my joy. Always just move with that together like the ocean.
Then the sunrise comes to new money, I love it. Maybe it's the same for you, or maybe it's not. Maybe you do need to learn new things, or you need to do something different. If you do a drawing like this with the same question, I would love to hear about what you've learned. It's always just fun. This is always fun.
Thank you for joining me, and I will see you next time with a new question. I love you. Bye.