How Can I Connect Better With My Family?
"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"
Hello, my name is Dina and again welcome to my studio. I'm happy to see you because I'm an artist I really like to answer my questions with art. Today I'm using this technique, intuitive art and my question is, how can I best connect with my family?
I love my family, well, most of my family and it's really always good to better connect so I did this drawing. I did it with my eyes closed. It's actually a pretty easy answer because the purple it means abundance.
Sometimes it's literally abundance and money and that's true here. I have enough money, sometimes, of course, it's hard and sometimes it's not but there's enough. We can get together now using Zoom right? Or whatever, but that is still good. I still have time with my family even though they don't live with me, they're far apart from me, but we do always manage to have time together and I think that's what this means when it says that we have plenty because we have enough, that we can still chat.
The orange maybe you can see there's this tiny bit of black. Black is together with the purple and black is really quiet. A lot of times it means meditating but it always means really quiet. I'm thinking, I think it means quiet time with that, okay I get it because it's like being in there also with the orange and the orange is about comfort. If I have time together it doesn't have to be like really active, it can be really quiet and easy it can be easy together, and yes, we use Zoom now because we can't go out together. We can't all gather together because it's not safe but we can chat, we can visit and it's okay if it's not really exciting. It can be really easy quiet and that's fine. Also, my husband is here with me, so we don't really need Zoom or anything like that, we can just be together. Just be together and that's just really quiet and it's always easy.
There's one more color, that's Brown. Brown for me is about grounding, wisdom, and experience. I think that means nothing has really changed the connecting with family is the same as it was before, even though we're not going out together. But it's with the same people and we still love each other. We still like to chat and visit, so yes, the technology is different but we're not right face to face together but still the same. It's easy that we don't need to make hard we just continue with what we've already known before and that's how we're going to connect.
I'm hoping that it's the same with you because your family is the same as they were before, you can still connect the same ways. If you want to learn this technique and I hope you do because it's good, please join us at, always hard for my fingers to say that. Thank you again for joining me and I hope to see you again soon. Love you bye.