"How Can I Be Happier?" | Intuitive Art Decoding
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"I feel so empowered and inspired!! Now I can expand upon and grow so much more. I feel validated and it's awesome!!"
Today, I asked a question about happiness. We all want to be happy. Why live without happiness if you can have it? My question: how can I live a happier life? Again, it's the same as always, you draw with your eyes closed. I was surprised to see what I had drawn. Because of the dark colors. I thought the colors were just going to be bright and really, well happy colors but that's not what happened. That's okay because the answer is still there. It doesn't matter that it's what I expected. Whether it's what I expected the answer is still easy to find.
If you see the drawing, you'll notice on the left side this swish, it's a tannish brown color. The color for me, it always means it's grounding, but it's really about grounding. It's about learning from my past. It's what has taught me so I can accept that learning I can use that for that grounding. I need to start with that grounding. Then the next color is black, a swish of black. Black means that I need meditation. Always quiet meditation. It surprised me. I thought it was just going to be about all this passion and joy and it's not. It's about, again learning from my past to be grounded and then using that to move into meditation. Meditation is the most important thing in this drawing. In the black, you can see there's little bits of grey, little circles. It's about being quiet. For me, black is more like real sitting meditation, zip your lips and meditate. The gray, it's the same. It's about a meditative mindset but there's more than that. It's about moving. Like walking, being in nature and walking and being quiet. Both really mean again, being grounded. Then the last color is orange. It's little circles of orange. Orange, it is a happy color. It's a happy color but it's more like continuing happiness. The big picture here did surprise me. I do understand because happiness is a really, happy life is not about all kinds of excitement all the time. It's about that continual, easy, comfortable happiness. When I see that drawing, I understand that. I didn't ask about how can I have a blast? How can I have a party? A great party? No, I didn't ask that. I asked about living a happy life so that makes sense. A happy life is continuing ease and happiness and it's just comfortable. That is exactly what I really want.
Also, I noticed, because there are two ways the colors move. First, they swish, then there are little circles. I understand that if I stay in that motion of the grounding and the meditation, and walk always through that, then those moments of life, those little bubbles of life, that make a life, those are happy moments. Those feel nice. That's how I understand this drawing. I hope that you can find happiness, sometimes the same way. There's something in my glasses. Also, your way is never exactly the same way as another person. That's why it's important to learn things just like this. Intuitive art is never about every person who must do this thing. Your exact way is for you. Your happiness is with your answers and your questions. That's why we always invite you to join us at intuitiveart.com because you can take the free class. There's a lot of things there for you to join. If you want more, if you want to go deeper, there's a lot of stuff like certification but you don't always have to do all of that. There's a lot for you, a lot of information there. A lot of skills and techniques for you to learn. You can contact us, you can ask questions about Intuitive Art. Thank you again, just thank you again, because I'm always happy that you give us your time and that you join us and watch these videos. I just hope that it really is helpful to you. Thank you. Bye